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Annapolis City Dock

+1 410-263-7973
Dock St, Annapolis, MD 21401 United States of America
Open Today: 07:00 AM - 09:00 PM


Best Kymta Reviews

Kleine Städtchen mit viel kleinen Läden. Gut gegessen und getrunken. Tolles Ambiente. Da kann man bestimmt gut die Nacht durchmachen. Leider nur kurz und über Tag besucht. Würde nochmal hingehen. Gern auch übernachten.
Immer wieder einen Besuch wert. Am Wochenende steppt der Bär, jeder will sich und sein Schiff zeigen und doch stechen die Kadetten in ihren weißen Uniformen alle aus. Unter der Woche deutlich ruhiger und auch gemütlicher, die Uhr tickt dann deutlich langsamer.
Es gibt viel interessantes zu sehen, insbesondere die Marineakademie, das Capitol sowie die Altstadt. Vom Dock aus hat man eine tolle Aussicht. Wir hatten leider keine Zeit, eine Bootstour zu machen, was bestimmt empfehlenswert wäre, jedoch sollte man sich überall auf gesalzene Preise gefasst machen. Im Verhältnis zu unseren Preisen sollte man teils das doppelte bis zum 4-fachen ( manches sogar noch mehr) etwa an Preisen einkalkulieren. Bitte zu entschuldigen, das ich keine endlose Liste an Beispielen beifüge. Ein vergleichbares Beispiel: Ein Hamburger in D etwa 3 - 5€. In den USA zw. 8 - 16 $ zzgl. Tax, zzgl. 10-20% Tipp ( Trinkgeld=quasi Lohn).
Sehr süßer Fischerort, man sollte aber früh da sein, da ansonsten alles voll ist.
Schön zu verweilen, sich was anzuschauen und Shoppen
Schön, angenehm, nett.
Man muss sich nur mal vorstellen, wo man sich gerade befindet. Dann weiß man es auch zu schätzen.
Sehr schön zum Schlendern.
Sehr schöner Ort und viel anzuschauen

Quick Facts About Annapolis City Dock

Annapolis City Dock is a small town with many small shops. Visitors have praised the good food and drinks available in the area. The atmosphere is described as great, making it a desirable location for spending the night and experiencing the nightlife. However, it is worth noting that most of the comments are based on short visits during the day.
One of the strengths of Annapolis City Dock is its vibrant and bustling atmosphere during the weekends. Visitors applaud the lively energy and the opportunity to showcase their ships. The presence of cadets in their white uniforms adds to the unique charm and character of the area. However, during weekdays, the atmosphere becomes much quieter, creating a more relaxed and cozy environment where time seems to pass more slowly. This variation in atmosphere allows visitors to choose the experience that suits their preferences.
The attraction of Annapolis City Dock extends beyond its ambiance. The area offers many interesting sights, including the Naval Academy, the Capitol, and the historic downtown. From the dock, visitors can enjoy a splendid view. One commenter regrets not having enough time to take a boat tour, which is highly recommended. However, it is important to note that prices in Annapolis City Dock can be quite high. Compared to prices in other countries, visitors should be prepared to pay double or even quadruple the amount. For example, a hamburger that costs around 3 to 5 euros in Germany can cost between 8 and 16 dollars in Annapolis, excluding taxes and tips, which are typically around 10-20% of the bill.
Another strength of Annapolis City Dock is its charm as a picturesque fishing village. Visitors describe it as a sweet and pleasant place to visit. However, it is advised to arrive early to avoid crowds, as the area tends to get crowded quickly. The availability of shops and the opportunity for leisurely browsing adds to the appeal of the place.
One of the comments highlights the importance of appreciating the location itself to fully enjoy the experience. Annapolis City Dock's beauty and uniqueness can truly be appreciated through a mindful perspective.
The ability to take a leisurely stroll is another strength of Annapolis City Dock. Visitors describe the experience as very enjoyable, allowing time to be spent wandering around and taking in the sights and sounds of the area.
Overall, Annapolis City Dock offers many strengths for visitors. Its small-town charm, vibrant atmosphere on weekends, interesting sights, and opportunity for leisurely exploration contribute to its appeal. However, it is important to be aware of the higher prices compared to other countries and the potential for crowding during peak times. Considering these aspects, Annapolis City Dock is a place worth visiting, whether for a short day trip or an extended stay.

Place Pictures

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Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Tuesday 07:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Wednesday 07:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Thursday 07:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Friday 07:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Saturday 07:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Sunday 07:00 AM - 09:00 PM

How to go there
